Owl Species
Too many people lump owls into one category but there are actually several different species of them. They vary in size and color even though the overall anatomy of them is very similar.
Too many people lump owls into one category but there are actually several different species of them. They vary in size and color even though the overall anatomy of them is very similar.
For the most part owls are very isolated creatures. That all changes as spring approaches though because that is when mating can occur.
Owls definitely are very independent birds in the wild, but they do have predators to worry about. They are considered to be top food chain elements though so they don’t have too many problems.
Owls are well known as being very versatile birds when it comes to their habitat. They are able to live in a variety of locations and some of those may surprise you.
The owl is a very fierce and powerful hunter so most of the time they capture their prey. They will only consume live animals so if they come across remains that someone else has killed they will leave it alone.
Owls are found just about everywhere in the world, the one exception is Antarctica. These are very adaptable birds and so it isn’t surprising to learn that they have such a wide distribution out there in the world.
The unique appearance of the owl makes it very distinguishable from other types of birds out there. They feature a very large head and enormous eyes.
The Northern Spotted Owl is a lovely looking creature. The body has many shades of light and then dark brown. Intertwined with it are areas of white and cream for an overall appearance that is really amazing.
Northern Spotted Owl Read More »
The Northern Pygmy Owl is very small in size and has a gray coloring to it. Many people often mistake it for a pigeon due to the coloring. They also have some brown and red though on the edges of their feathers.
Northern Pygmy Owl Read More »
The Long Eared Owl is one that definitely has prominent ears and that is where their name comes from. They are quite thin compared to the body formation of so many other species of owls out there.